OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen
Hanover Town Supervisor Todd Johnson was “honored” to recognize Juneteenth as a special day of recognition and observance in the Town of Hanover.
HANOVER — Thanks to a state grant, the town of Hanover will be able to evaluate its sewer system along Routes 5 and 20 at only a 20% cost to the town.
The Town Board approved a Request for Qualifications proposal from Nussbaumer & Clarke Inc in the amount of $36,000 for its Route 5 and Route 20 sewer line project. The proposal includes conducting an engineering planning study on a 10-mile unsewered area, along with a thorough review and inspection of the current sewage system to explore expansion and upgrading the system in place.
An engineering planning grant through the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation was awarded to the town in the amount of $30,000. That grant, along with a contribution of $6,000 from the town’s funds, will cover the cost of the study.
The Town Board voted against a proposed agreement for shared Assessor’s Office services to include the town of Portland. Town Board member Bernard Feldmann Jr. voted in favor of the agreement, but the remaining members of the Town Board voted against the matter.
The Town Board approved the payment of $3,000 to Hanover/Silver Creek/Forestville Youth Recreation for the summer youth flag football program. The Town Board also approved the payment of $5,000 to the Silver Creek Cemetery Association, pertaining to the Glenwood Cemetery, to be used for general overhead expenses to maintain the cemetery.
Rates in the Town of Hanover were also raised in multiple areas. The application fee to go before the Hanover Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board was raised from $75 to $150; the deposit to reserve Bicentennial Park increased from $50 to $100; and vendor fees in the Town of Hanover raised from $10 for 7 days, $25 for 30 days, and $50 for 1 year to the new rates of $25 for 7 days, $50 for 30 days, and $100 for 1 year. All rate increases are effective immediately.
The Town of Hanover also read an official recognition of Juneteenth as a special day of recognition and observance in the Town.
“This is something that has been long overdue in the Town of Hanover since the inception back in 2020 becoming a federal and state holiday,” said Town Supervisor Todd Johnson. “I am honored that this Board is recognizing the end of slavery in this great country, and we can recognize it along with other municipalities.”
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Travis Burnett
A pioneer in the flag football community, Travis helped co-found the Flag Football World Championship Tour, FlagSpin and USA Flag. Featuring 15+ years of content creation for the sport of flag football, creating and managing the largest flag football tournaments on the planet, coaching experience at the youth and adult level as well as an active player with National and World Championship level experience.