Lorain High School students led the cheers in the Unified Special Olympics Flag Football tournament held Nov. 15, 2019, at Lost Nation Sports Park West in Lorain. The day included flag football games for seven co-ed teams from Lorain, Avon, Avon Lake, John Marshall, Lincoln West, Max S. Hayes and Rocky River high schools.
Earlier this year, Special Olympics Ohio, the Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Metropolitan Schools announced the first NFL-sponsored Special Olympics Unified Sports league.
On Nov. 15, the players took the field for a “Play Football!” tournament in Lorain.
The Lorain High School Titans were the host school for six other flag football teams competing at Lost Nation Sports Park West, 2101 Silver Maple Way.
The co-ed teams included students from Lorain, Avon, Avon Lake, John Marshall, Lincoln West, Max S. Hayes and Rocky River high schools.
The pace was quick as teams played games with two, 10-minute halves.
They started away from the goal line in their own territory, with four chances to get the ball to mid-field, said Dan Blatt, high school intervention specialist and Special Olympics coordinator for Lorain City Schools.
If successful, they got four more chances to get the ball to the opponents’ end zone.
The teams are a mix of special needs and typical players, with frequent player rotations.
Using passes and handoffs, the quarterbacks spread the ball around, so it appeared just about everyone had a chance to be a playmaker.
Varsity football players served as on-field referees.
The teams traveled with coaching staff and supporters.
In September, the teams traveled to Berea for their uniform unveiling with Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield, alongside teammates Brandin Bryant, Garrett Gilbert, David Njoku and Willie Wright.
In October, they met for a competition at Max Hayes High School, Blatt said.
When weather turned frigid this week, it appeared to be the end of outdoor play for the year, he said.
But Lost Nation Sports Park opened the doors to the teams for indoor play, Blatt said.
“I knew it was going to be cold, and I knew of this facility,” he said, so he sent an email inquiry.
“They got back to me right away,” Blatt said. “It was not even a question.
“It was like, what do you need? Yes, yes, yes, yes. So, they’re generous with donating the space for us to do this.”