Registration recently opened for fall flag football with the Melrose Recreation Department.
The expected start date is Sept. 19. The deadline to register is Aug. 1. Games will be on Fred Green Field on Saturdays.
There are two different programs for different age groups:
• Flag Football League for grades 3-4 and grades 5-6
These youth flag football leagues focus on socialization, playing skills, teamwork and basic game strategies. All practices and games will take place on Saturday afternoons on the Cabbage Patch Field and Fred Green Field. Players will have a 30 minute team practice immediately leading into their team game of two halves of 20 minutes running time Each game will be staffed with referees. Each player will receive their own game jersey. Players will need to supply their own mouth piece.
• Instructional Program for kindergarten through second grade
This program is designed to introduce kindergarten, first grade and second students to flag football. The program focuses on basic fundamentals, socialization, and skill building. Students will have a 30 minute skills and drills session which will be followed with 20 minutes of fun team activities and team scrimmages. Volunteer head and assistant coaches will run the practices.
Online registration is available at http://cityofmelrose.org.
Travis Burnett
A pioneer in the flag football community, Travis helped co-found the Flag Football World Championship Tour, FlagSpin and USA Flag. Featuring 15+ years of content creation for the sport of flag football, creating and managing the largest flag football tournaments on the planet, coaching experience at the youth and adult level as well as an active player with National and World Championship level experience.