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Kids Camps: Towns, museums and theaters hosting classes and camps this summer | Explore Wellness - FlagSpin

Kids Camps: Towns, museums and theaters hosting classes and camps this summer | Explore Wellness

The saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them” — but there are many classes available this summer that allow kids to beat the heat while also joining in on team activities. Every year, Tucson Local Media rounds up a sampler of some of the summer camps and classes, and this edition continues that tradition. There are plenty of the classic outdoor recreational opportunities and overnight camps, but there also technology, arts and culture opportunities depending on your preference. 

Whether they’re hosted at a community pool, indoors, or outdoors away from peak heat hours, there are plenty of ways to keep kids active and engaged this summer without getting too hot. Some even get kids up in the mountains as a way to beat the heat. Of course, there are far too many opportunities for kids around town this summer, so this is by no means a comprehensive list. This is a look at many of the options hosted by our local governments, museums, churches and more. We know it’s technically summer break, but you never know, kids might learn a thing or two at these summer camps as well.  

Town of Marana

Marana is offering several options to keep campers active during the summer months. Sports and swimming camps are designed to keep people moving through the heat of the summer. Here are some of the programs taking place this summer in Marana. Visit for more information and to register.

Horse Camps by Tucson Mountain Stables. For those wanting to get in touch with their inner cowboy or cowgirl, Tucson Mountain Stables has three week-long camps for riders ages 5 to 14 to learn the ins and outs of horsemanship. Campers will learn how to interact with horses, handle them, and correctly ride them. Camps will be held at the Heritage River Park Arena at 12375 N. Heritage Park Drive and run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Weeks will be separated based on age as follows: Buckaroo: Ages 5 to 7. The Buckaroo session is from June 6 to June 10. Junior: Ages 8 to 14. The Junior session is from June 13 to June 17. Advanced: Ages 8 to 14. The Advanced session is from June 20 to June 24. Cost: $250 for residents, $312.50 for non-residents.  

Water Play in the Garden by Nature to You. Nature to You offers families a chance to rise early and enjoy the summer mornings in the Heritage River Park Community Garden, located at 12375 N. Heritage Park Drive. Classes are offered on Fridays in July starting on July 8 and run from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. These classes are designed for people of all ages and abilities. Class sessions include water activities, planting in the garden, investigating soil, seeking out some cool shade, and enjoying snacks right out of the garden. Cost: $40 for residents, $50 for non-residents.

Sensory Splash. Every Saturday from June 25 to July 30, an adaptive experience will be hosted at the Marana Pool for individuals with special needs. These aquatic meet ups are from 11 a.m. to noon and are a safe and positive environment full of planned activities to create memorable experiences for participants ages 5 to 16. Cost: $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents. 

Sports Camp by TGA Sports. The TGA Sports Camp is available in two sessions: Session 1 is from June 13 to June 17, and Session 2 is from June 27 to July 1. Over the course of a session, campers are introduced to five sports: flag football, floor hockey, lacrosse, tennis, and ultimate frisbee. No equipment is needed as everything is supplied by TGA Sports. Sessions are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and are available for children ages 5 to 14. All sessions are located at the Crossroads District Park at 7548 N. Silverbell Road. Cost: $179 for residents, $223.27 for non-residents.

Youth Flag Football Camp by TGA Sports. The TGA flag football camp is available in two sessions: Session 1 is from June 6 to June 10, and Session 2 is from June 20 to June 24. Each session is designed to be five days of learning how to pass, receive, run routes, and practice offense, defense, footwork, speed and agility. Every Friday is game day where campers will have a chance to showcase their skills. Sessions are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and are available for children ages 5 to 14. All sessions are located at the Crossroads District Park at 7548 N. Silverbell Road. Cost: $179 for residents, $223.27 for non-residents.

Lacrosse Camps. This three-day camp is for boys and girls ages 5 to 14, including those who are new to the game and those with previous lacrosse experience. Separate tracks will be offered for players of different ages and skill levels. Instruction will focus on the introduction and development of basic lacrosse skills. No equipment is required, but if a player already owns equipment, they are encouraged to bring it to their sessions. Lacrosse sticks and

protective gear will be provided as needed. Session 1 is from June 7 to June 9 at the Crossroads District Park at 7548 N. Silverbell Road. Session 2 is from July 5 to July 7 at the Gladden Farms Community Park at 12205 N. Tangerine Farms Road. Players 8 and under will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Players 9 to 14 will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Cost: $35 for residents, $43.75 for non-residents. 

Town of Oro Valley

Oro Valley is hosting summer camps and programs for all ages and interests. Camps range from sports and fitness to arts and STEM opportunities for Oro Valley’s summer dwellers to take advantage of. Whether new or returning, camps accommodate all skill levels and are designed to help campers learn new skills or enhance ones they already have. There are plenty of opportunities for kids to stay busy in Oro Valley this summer. Visit for more information and to register for classes.

Art and STEM = STEAM at Steam Pump Ranch. This award-winning program uses the great outdoors to help campers ages 6 to 12 gain a better understanding about what it was like living hundreds of years ago in the Sonoran Desert. Campers will learn how technology helped survival and advanced food, shelter, clothing, art, and human culture throughout history. Mixed in with all the learning are water games, shady trees, and indoor space as needed.

Sessions will be from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday starting May 31 and will run through July 29. Price per week is $54 per camper.

TGA Premier Sports Camp. This camp offers three different weekly options for campers to participate in. There are rotating cheer, sports, and flag football camps that start June 6 and end July 29 for children ages 5 to 12. Camps are held Monday through Friday and run from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Riverfront Park Upper Field at 551 W. Lambert Lane.

Cheer camps will include instructions, games, and activities. Campers will learn a cheer with basic tumbling, but no flying.

Sports camps will include introductions to flag football, floor hockey, lacrosse, and ultimate frisbee. Sessions are designed to maximize fun and safety for campers and include instructions, games, and activities.

Flag football camps are five days, geared specifically toward football activities. Campers will learn about passing, receiving, running routes, and practice offense, defense, footwork, speed, and agility. Every Friday is game day where campers will have a chance to showcase their skills.

Price per child is $179 per week and includes a camp T-shirt.

Play-Well Teknologies Camp. This camp gives participants ages 5 to 12 a chance to explore principles of engineering and physics by building elaborate objects, structures, and vehicles using LEGOs while working with specially trained instructors. Sessions are held Monday through Friday and are split up based on age. Adventures in STEM using LEGO is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ages 5 to 7 from June 13 to June 17. STEM Explorations using LEGO is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for ages 8 to 12 from June 13 to June 17. Pokémon Engineering using LEGO is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ages 5 to 7 from July 11 to July 15. Pokémon Master Engineering using LEGO is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for ages 8 to 12 from July 11 to July 15. All camps are located at the Oro Valley Community Center, 10555 N. La Cañada Drive. Sessions are $165 per camper.

Camp Swim Play Fun (SPF) at the Oro Valley Community Center. Camp SPF gives campers ages 6 to 12 opportunities to swim, hit golf and tennis balls, play games, make arts and crafts, and work with experienced staff members. Sessions are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday starting May 31 and will run until July 29. All camps are located at the Oro Valley Community Center, 10555 N. La Cañada Drive. Price per week is $30 per camper.

I Can Too! Camp at the Oro Valley Community Center. This camp offers children ages 6 to 12 living with Down syndrome, Asperger’s, autism and learning delays opportunities to engage in games, sports, arts and crafts, and other activities that keep them involved with their peers while working with specialized staff. Sessions are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday starting May 31 and will run until July 29. All camps are located at the Oro Valley Community Center, 10555 N. La Cañada Drive. Price per week is $135 per camper.  

Live Theatre Workshop

These camps are designed to be an intense week of producing, acting, dancing, improvisation, and exploration of the technical side of theatre arts. Camps are arranged based on age/grade level, and all skill levels are welcome to participate. Instructors are trained to create a fun, low-pressure environment with an end goal of creating a production that participants will showcase at the end of the camp session. Camps will be held Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. starting June 6 and will run through July 29. All camps take place at Live Theatre Workshop, 3322 E. Fort Lowell Road. Prices per camp range from $235 to $580. Visit for the camp schedule and specific registration fees.

Jewish Community Center Tucson

Camp J is back this summer to host its weekly, award-winning programs for JCC members and the Tucson community alike. Children from kindergarten through 9th grade experience the development of creativity, initiative, and leadership with the goal of creating friendships, stories and lifelong skills. Camp activities include group sports in the gym, tennis courts, and outdoors field space mixed with time spent on computers, arts and crafts, swimming and water activities at the Splash Pad all led by experienced staff. Specialized activities range from archery to STEM courses. Weekly camp sessions are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from May 31 to Aug. 3. Visit for more information and to register. Camp J is broken down into the following age groups:

Shalom (Peace): Grades K-2. A traditional day camp experience that allows campers to explore the different facilities the JCC has to offer. Campers are grouped by age and programming is designed to meet the needs of all developmental levels with social and emotional skill development at the forefront. Weekly admission is $295 for JCC members and $345 for the community for the first nine weeks. Week 10 is $200 for JCC members and $240 for the community.

Giborim (Heroes): Grades 3-5. Children in this session participate in weekly activities designed to nurture their creativity and build skills while having fun. Electives are led by experienced instructors, giving campers access to an even higher level of instruction. Fridays are reserved for campers to go on field trips. Weekly admission is $340 for JCC members and $390 for the community for the first nine weeks. Week 10 is $230 for JCC members and $270 for the community.

Tiyul (Trip): Grades 6-9. This program allows older campers to develop independence, self-confidence, and new skills while engaging in teamwork and enhancing a sense of self awareness and the world they exist within. Each week includes day trips and an overnight stay at the JCC. Weekly admission is $370 for JCC members and $420 for the community for the first nine weeks. Week 10 is $250 for JCC members and $290 for the community.

Gesher (Bridge): Grades 6-9. This program functions similarly to the Tiyul group but excludes the overnight stay. Campers develop their independence and self-confidence while working in groups and making new friends. Weekly admission is $350 for JCC members and $400 for the community for the first nine weeks. Week 10 is $240 for JCC members and $280 for the community.  

Children’s Museum Tucson Summer Camps

The Children Museum Tucson offers a wide variety of camps for kids ages 4 to 10. Wee ones between 4 and 6 years can learn about dinosaurs, wizards and outer space as well as brush up on kindergarten skills. Kids 7 to 10 can learn gardening, art and STEM skills. Camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the downtown location, 200 S. Sixth Ave. Kids should bring a peanut-free snack and water. Find a full list of classes and register at Call (520) 792-9985 for more info. 

ZUZI! Dance Summer Camp

If your kid wants to try everything from choreography to low-flying trapeze, Zuzi! Dance Summer Camp is the place to learn all the right moves. This year’s camp takes inspiration from Christina Björk’s children’s story, “Linnea in Monet’s Garden,” and will include various forms of artwork in addition to dance. Camp is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays between May 31 and June 10. Cost is $450. More details at

Tucson Regional Ballet

This renown local ballet offers first-rate classes for children and adults, including a Ballet Boot Camp for kids 7 and up, all the way to adults. By the end of the intensive one-month camp, you’re expected to be set to perform in showcase performance at Leo Rich Theater. Visit for details. 

Tucson Museum of Art Summer Camp

Young artists between the ages of 5 and 13 can craft masterpieces in all manner of media after touring different exhibitions in the museum. Camp runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., although the tykes can stay as late as 5 p.m. Museum members pay $225 a week; nonmembers pay $250. After camp is an additional $40 per week. Weekly sessions begin June 6 and continue through Aug. 5, with no camp the week of June 29 through July 3. Tucson Museum of Art Historic Block, 140 N. Main Ave. (520) 624-2333

TUSD Summer Programs

The Tucson Unified School District is hosting various programs for preschool children as well as kids in kindergarten through fifth grade at several schools across the district. The programs reinforce academic lessons and help kids catch up on their skills. Hour vary, but most programs run between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Fees range from $75 to $150 per week depending on whether students are there for part of the day or all day. More details at

Cokesbury’s Knights of the North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor

This vacation Bible school is hosted at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 8051 E. Broadway Blvd., and will explore ways to discover different pieces of protective armor through lessons learned in the Bible. Camp will be held Monday, June 6 through Friday, June 10 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is open for children in fourth and fifth grade. Children sixth grade and older are encouraged to participate as youth volunteers. Registration is $15 per child, and families won’t pay more than $45.

Middle School Summer Camp

Christ Community Church, located at 530 S. Pantano Road, will be venturing into the mountains to Lone Tree Camp in Captain, New Mexico. This camp provides participants an opportunity to strengthen their relationships with those they are traveling with while exploring the beautiful mountain range. The cost of the trip is $420 with scholarships available. The plan is to leave early Monday, June 27 and return to Tucson on Saturday, July 2 between 4 and 5 p.m. Visit to learn more and to register for the trip.

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

The Desert Museum offers multiple camps to help children get in touch with the diversity of the Sonoran Desert. Campers will explore all facilities of the museum and use science to make observations and discoveries through interactions with live animals, creating art, and learning about life in the desert. Visit to learn more and to register for a camp.

Museum Explorers Summer Camp. Packrat Explorers. This camp is for children entering first through third grade in fall 2022. Explore the ground of the museum, a canyon, and a cave while searching for treasures, doing science experiments and learning about the characteristics and behaviors of various plants, arthropods, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals that reside in the Sonoran Desert.

Sonoran Scientists. This camp is for children entering fourth through sixth grade in fall 2022. Investigate the desert world using tips and tools from scientists. Meet some of the Desert Museum scientists and zookeepers while exploring the museum, making art and scientific observations, and having up-close experiences with desert wildlife.  

Session 1: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 13 through June 17. Session 2: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 20 through June 24. Each session costs $245 for Desert Museum and Coati Kids Club members and $265 for nonmembers.

Colors of the Desert Summer Camp. This camp is for children entering sixth through eighth grade in fall 2022. Participants will explore colors and how they are perceived by both humans and animals. Campers will work with microscopes and paintbrushes to fuse science and art while investigating the colors or the surrounding world. Campers will also explore the museum, meet live animals, and learn the basic principles of scientific illustration, optics, and pigment production. This camp will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. starting July 18 and will last until July 22. Each session costs $245 for Desert Museum and Coati Kids Club members and $265 for nonmembers.

Mountain Explorers Summer Camp

This camp is for high schoolers entering ninth through 12th grade in fall 2022. Participants will spend Wednesday, July 6, to Friday, July 8, exploring Mount Lemmon, enjoying the fresh air, and escaping from the summer heat. This immersive camp emphasizes observation, camping skills, and teamwork. Campers will be transported to Mount Lemmon in Desert Museum vans driven by staff. Drop off will be at 8 a.m. on July 6 and pick up will be at 5 p.m. on July 8. Both drop off and pick up will be conducted at the northeast end of the parking lot at Udall Park. The fee for this trip is $375 for Desert Museum members and $395 for nonmembers.  

Desert Destroyers Archery Camp

This camp allows ages 8 and above to learn the basics of archery, while participating in a fun, safe environment. Every two-hour class will be a different lesson from the Explore Archery Handbook. The first hour, students have basic archery instruction, and the second hour, students have time to explore archery. Please bring your own water bottle and sunscreen, water will be provided at the range. Hosted by Desert Destroyers Junior Olympic Archery Development Club. Hosted at the Naranja Park Archery Range 810 W. Naranja Drive. 8 to 10 a.m. June 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28. $30 per session. To register RSVP via text to 520-955-3029, include name and phone number for registration confirmation. Class Status and information at Desert Destroyers Archery Facebook page.

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Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett

A pioneer in the flag football community, Travis helped co-found the Flag Football World Championship Tour, FlagSpin and USA Flag. Featuring 15+ years of content creation for the sport of flag football, creating and managing the largest flag football tournaments on the planet, coaching experience at the youth and adult level as well as an active player with National and World Championship level experience.

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