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Community Notes | This Week - FlagSpin

Community Notes | This Week

COMMUNITY NOTES may be submitted for non-profit, civic or church-related events and published free of charge AS SPACE IS AVAILABLE in the Courier Journal.  Community Notes must be submitted in writing by 3pm Friday for consideration in the following week’s issue.  

• Email to

• Look for “Submit News” on our website  at

• Fax to 256-760-9618; 

• Mail to 219 W. Tennessee St, Florence, AL  35630; or

• Bring in person.

Florence-Lauderdale Farmers Market Open at 451 Fairground Road. The market will be open Saturdays during the months of May and October. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday during the months of June through September. Hours are 6am-1pm each day.


Music in the Park, Wilson Park, Florence, every Wednesday 11:30am-12:30pm. 


LifeSouth Shoals Area Blood Drives – Donate at the Center, 307 Veterans Drive, Florence. Schedule an appointment, 256-765-7038. The hours are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-5pm; Tuesday and Thursday 9am-7pm; Saturday 9am-3pm; Sunday 1-5pm.

July 13, 10am-5pm – Keller Home Care, 203 4th Avenue SW, Russellville

July 14, 11am-4pm – First Southern Bank, 4350 Co. Rd. 47, Florence

July 15, Noon-7pm – Lakeland Community Hospital, Hwy 195, Haleyville

July 16, Noon-6pm – Shoe Carnival, 356 Cox Creek Pkwy, Florence

July 17, Noon-7pm – Sam’s Club, 364 Cox Creek Pkwy, Florence

July 18, Noon-6pm – Walmart, Hough Road, Florence


July Holy Days of religions in the Shoals

Buddhist/Shinto  July 13  Obon

Islam  July 20 Eid al Adha



Florence Parks & Recreation is now accepting registrations for all Fall Sports including Soccer, Flag Football, Tackle Football, Cheerleading, and Golf League.  Anyone interested in coaching in the fall will need to register online as well.

Girls Flag Football for Fall 2021 – Age divisions are 5 & 6 year old, 7 & 8 year old, 9 & 10 yearr old and 11 & 12 year old.  Registration is open now until August 26.

Youth Cheerleading is still open for registration for girls ages 5-12 until July 9th. Uniform cost not included in the registration fee.

Adult Softball We offer the following leagues: Men’s, Men’s Church, Coed and Coed Church.

Register at or call the office at 256-760-6628


Miracle Worker Play, outdoor  theater on the grounds of Ivy Green, Helen Keller Birthplace. June 11-July 17 (Friday & Saturday only) –Gates 7pm, Show 8pm. Reserved & general admission tickets. For more info or to reserve tickets: 256-383-4066.


Saddle Up for St. Jude Celebrates its 25th Annual Trail Ride and Concert  July 15-17 at Gardiner Farms, 85 Underwood Road in Tuscumbia 

Thursday , July 15 Live entertainment starting 6:30pm. 

Friday, July 16 Live entertainment starting 6:30pm Saturday, July 17, Live entertainment starting 11am. 

Live Auction starting 3:30pm. 

Event headliners include Shenandoah, T. Graham Brown, and Clint Black

Bring your horse, $50 donation for the weekend. Bring your chair and donation: $20 for Thursday & Friday, $35 for Saturday.  Primitive camping sites available for $25, contact Ann Jones 256-446-5392 

Saddle-Up for St. Jude is coordinated by:  Circle 5 Outfit, Jimmy King. 

Directions:  From Hwy 72 West, turn left at Colbert Farmer’s Co-op 

-Go 1 block and turn left on Frankfort Road 

-Go 1.7 miles and take left fork on Underwood Mountain 

-Go 3.1 miles and turn left on County Farm Road 

-Go 1 block and veer right on Dead End Road to Gardiner Farm 


For a complete list of events and opportunities, please visit: 


Florence Kiwanis Club meets at noon on Fridays at Marriott Shoals Conference Center

Programs July 2021

July 16 – Sam Mashburn – Director, Public Policy and Governmental Relations, The Shoals Chamber of Commerce – will talk about the Local Area Chamber Public Policy

July 23 – Judy Young – Owner and Broker of The Agency on Pine, Top Boutique RE Company – will share information on our Local Area Real Estate

July 30 – Macke Mauldin – President, Bank Independent – will discuss the Local Area Economy


Bradshaw Class of 1971 – 50 Year Reunion, August 27 & 28. 

Friday, August 27, 4-7pm – Welcome and tour of the Memorabilia Room at Burrell Slater High School, 620 W. College St., Florence. 6-10pm – Meet and greet at The GunRunner Boutique Hotel, 310 W. Tennessee St., Florence.

Saturday, August 28, 6pm  at Florence-Lauderdale Coliseum for Bunyans’ BBQ, Music and Lots of Fun. Cost $30 per person.

RSVP by July 15 Pat Joiner or Mae Sutherland or Jan


Bank Independent has launched its 8th Annual School Share drive to benefit local school children through the “$5 Helps Carry the Cost” campaign.  School supplies and donations will be accepted at all locations of Bank Independent, by PayPal, and through scheduled collection events until July 16.  Bank Independent works with local partner organizations across their seven-county footprint to ensure donations are distributed to area families in need. 

In addition to the campaign, Bank Independent pledges to match total customer Smart Swipe savings up $10,000 until July 16 and donate that amount to School Share partner organizations.  Smart Swipe is a simple savings plan that rounds up change from Bank Independent Debit Card purchases to the next dollar and deposits the difference into another BI account of the customer’s choosing. Customers can enroll in Smart Swipe at any location, online at, or through Customer Service. 

School Share donations will go to purchase supplies for distributed through local organizations in each served market.


Coffee High School Class of 1971 – 50 Year Reunion, September 3-4

Main Reunion Event Saturday, September 4,  6-10pm at the Historic Sweetwater Train Depot, 502 South Royal Avenue.

Cost $75 per person, $150 per couple.

Informal meet and greet  Friday, September 3, at 5:30pm at Singin’ River Brewing Co., 526 E. College Street. 

RSVP by July 30 by emailing

Mail your payment to: CHS 1971 Reunion, PO Box 2384, Florence, AL 35630 

Check out our website at


Florence Parks and Recreation Department, The Club/Florence Senior Center presents The Brown’s, Boomer’s & Senior’s Social Dance Night, each Tuesday evening. Doors Open 6pm. Dance 6:30-8:45pm. 450 Country Club Drive in Florence — $5 per person. The Club is a drug, alcohol, tobacco, weapon free facility.  For more information:, Facebook: Florence Senior Center/The Club, 256-760-6420.  Mask optional.  Social distancing appreciated.


Florence Parks and Recreation Department, The Club/Florence Senior Center presents Joints In Motion, chair exercise classes, 2 times a week, improving strength, balance and range of motion. Wednesday and Friday, 9:30am-10:15am, 450 Country Club Drive in  Florence.  For more information:, Facebook: Florence Senior Center/The Club, 256-760-6420.  Mask optional.  Social distancing appreciated.


The Club/Florence Senior Center is pleased to be reopening its door after 16 long months.  The Club continues to serve 15 curbside lunches through July and August, Call in by 9:30am to order pick up 11-11:15am.  Inside lunches will be reserved to the first 20 persons to sign up by 10:30am.  Lunch inside will be served at 11:30am.  For more information, please call The Club, 256-760-6420 from 9am -4pm. Monday-Friday. 


In an effort to reward local people for Outstanding Community Service, Long-Lewis Automotive Group in cooperation with The Long-Lewis Foundation, will be awarding one person each month $500 and a Certificate of Appreciation to recognize their efforts in serving The Shoals Community.

To nominate someone for the Long Lewis Hero of the month award by visiting the Long Lewis Facebook page.  

Simply nominate someone you feel deserves this award for Outstanding Community Service. The recipient of the Award will be determined by the nominee post that gets the most Likes from the community at the end of each month.  The recipient will be announced via social media, on the 1st of the month.  Congratulations to the June winner, Quentin Woods.


The Shoals Writers Guild has finalized the remainder of its 2021 Schedule.  Update your calendars.

All meetings at Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, 350 N. Wood Avenue, Florence unless otherwise indicated.

Saturday, July 17  10am-noon  Speakers: Poet Dr. Brenna Wardell; l Local entrepreneur Lillian Glanton, 

Saturday August 21 10am-noon  Speakers:  Poet Mike Wahl;  Children’s author K.A. Cummins

Saturday, September 18  10am-noon   Speakers: Author Bill Clemmons;  FlorAla editor Brooke Freundschuh

Friday October 1:  11am-2pm  *Community Room Reservation Required– Speaker:  Author Chervis Isom, “Memoir Writing” Honorary Member and Member Appreciation Luncheon

Saturday October 2  11am-2pm *Reservation  Required  (BBQ Lunch at noon) McFarland Park Pavilion 1.   Event: Writers Round-up and Membership Drive* 

Saturday, October 23-24  10am-6pm and noon-6pm respectively  Event: *Booth at the Alabama Renaissance Faire   Wilson Park , Florence  *Registration required.

Saturday, October 23  noon-2pm   Book Launch “The Edge of Everywhen”, by AS Mackey (Allison Mackey) at FLPL

Saturday, November 20  10am-noon   Speaker: Author Lisa Phillipart

Saturday December 18  10am-noon   Speaker:  Author Bradley Sides  Event: Christmas Social

For more information, please email,


The Florence Camerata Concert will be at 7pm Tuesday, July 20 at the First Presbyterian Church in Florence.

Conductor is Rebecca Rockhill.  Collaborative Pianist is Karen Cantrell

Tickets will not be sold, but donations will be accepted.


Family Fun Fest! Fun with Bubbles, Games, Popsicles, and More! on Thursday, July 22 from 6-7:30pm at the Girl Scout Office, 4050 Helton Dr. in Florence.  Parking in front and back.  Fun for the whole family!  Hope to see you there!


Hot BBQ, Cool Blues—Roundhouse, Tuscumbia, July 22, 6-8 pm.  Live music by Max Russell & L.O. Bishop BBQ dinner, sponsored by Tuscumbia Retail Development. Tickets: 256-383-9797


“The Last Five Years” at the Historic Ritz Theatre in downtown Sheffield  July 22-24 and 29-31 at 7:30pm

“The Last Five Years” is a beautifully heartbreaking and uniquely told story of love and loss. This intimate musical invites audiences to take a tour through a five-year relationship, take stock of what matters most, and perhaps take a side. A two-person play, “The Last Five Years” focuses on strong vocal and acting performances from our three sets of casts.

SummerStock is the Tennessee Valley Art Association’s annual musical production that features young-adult performers and crew. The cast spends an intensive 6 weeks in training and rehearsals, leading up to a high-quality musical production for the community.

For tickets, visit  Questions? Call 256-383-0533


40th Annual W. C. Handy Music Festival, July 23-August 1. Various locations across the Shoals area.  Events/music across all genres. For more info:


June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, and the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, in collaboration with the Coalition for Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders (CARD), is  presenting a series of free symposiums on Alzheimer’s disease in the coming months.  The first took place June 24, a discussion on the difference in normal aging memory loss and knowing when it’s time to seek help including the 10 common signs of Alzheimer’s disease

Symposiums are scheduled in the library conference room from 5-6:30pm the fourth Thursday each month through October. Future topics will include:

July 22 – Beyond Memory Loss  Anxiety/aggression  • Depression  • Behavior changes  • Sleep disturbances  • Redirecting behavior to avoid medications

August 26 – Building a support network  • Who should be included?  • Importance of finding balance and sharing the load  • Legal papers are critical

September 23 – Dodging and disarming landmines! • Long distance people with lots of opinions • Car keys  • Diet  • Bathing  • Wandering  • Home safety

 October 28 –  ABC’s of caregiving  • In this special symposium, a panel will share some of their personal experiences and answer questions. There also will be discussion on how to deal with grief along the way. 

Every 65 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease, with 5.8 million American’s living with the disease, according to CARD data. CARD is a nonprofit organization established in 1993 to provide education and support for the residents of Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Marion and Winston counties. 

The scheduled facilitator for the symposiums is CARD board member Donna Tidwell.


The Coffee High School Class of 1971 is having its 50 Year Reunion September 3-4, 2021.  The Main Reunion Event is September 4, from 6-10pm at the Historic Sweetwater Train Depot, 502 South Royal Avenue.  An informal meet and greet is set for September 3 at 5:30pm at Singin’ River Brewing Co., 526 East College St.   RSVP to or text questions to 256-290-9127.


Join the fun with the 3rd Annual Handy on the H2O event that takes place Saturday, July 24 with Boat Poker Run beginning at 11:30am…  The concert begins at 5pm featuring Country music star Chris Lane headlining, along with Dustin Richardson, Dixie Mafia, and DJ Stan Daman at Allred Point on Wilson Lake in Muscle Shoals.  The concert is by boat access ONLY. 

Handy on the H2O is a benefit for the Kruzn For a Kure Foundation.

Visit the 2021 Handy on the H2O Boat Poker Run FB event page for more info and updates!


The Shoal Writers Guild July Meeting will be Saturday,  July 24, from 10am-12pm, at the Florence- Lauderdale Public Library. The speakers  will be Dr. Brenna Wardell, UNA English Department, and artist Lillian Glanton. 


Vacation Bible School at First Free Will Baptist Church July 26-30, 6:30-8:30pm. Ages 4 – completed 5th Grade. Registration Event at the church on July 26, 10am-2pm or register online at First Free Will is located at 2701 Florence Blvd. Florence.


Muscle Shoals Sound Studio will be open Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm through Labor Day. Tours are on the half-hour every hour and tour price is $15.  Discounts are available for military, senior and group tours.  We are pet friendly!  Tickets can be purchased online or at the studio

256-978-5151.  Muscle Shoals Sound Studio is at 3614 N. Jackson Highway in Sheffield. 


The Clarion Ballroom in Sheffield will Host the Johnnie Taylor Tribute starring TJ Hooker Taylor plus Diedra, The Alabama Queen & Band and The Cadillacs on Thursday, July 29. Doors open 7pm, show 8pm. Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Emcee Mr. Bobby Brooks.

Tickets available at Cold Water Books, Counts Bros. Music, and Inga’s Lashes. For more information, please call 256-443-1297.

Sponsors: Holt Radiator, Midgard Storage, SNL, and Options Wellness Center.


W.C. Handy Top Artist Showcase & Celebrity Concert. July 31, a full day of concerts, shopping with vendors, kid’s activities, car, jeep, and motorcycle contests, and more held at the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. A portion of the proceeds from this event will support community outreaches sponsored by Distinguished Productions. 


Ekklesia Summer Camp Opens June 1 • Monday–Friday • 5:30am–5:30pm  • Field Trips  • Music  • Outdoor Activities   Call 256-314-1700.  For information on pricing and enrollment


Registration is taking place now for Summer Camp June 1–August 9 at Calvary Learning Center  at 601 N. Main St. in Tuscumbia.   6:30am-5:30pm   Ages 4-12 years

Summer Camp is a structured program that offers campers age appropriate activities. Activities include arts and crafts, daily devotions, swimming, recreational games, sports, field trips, and much more! Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be provided for your child.

Camp opens at 6:30am and closes at 5:30pm with camp activities from 8:30am-4:30pm

Mini’s Camp: – Ages 4-5 years– For students that completed Pre-K 2020-2021 OR will be entering Pre-K the Fall of 2021

Traditional Camp: – Ages 6-12 years — Students must have completed Kindergarten

Calvary Learning Center also provides care for newborns to children 5 years of age.

Registration forms may be picked up at Calvary Learning Center, Calvary Baptist Church office, or on our Facebook Page: Calvary Learning Centers.

Fees:  Registration Fee: $90.  $85 per child.  $80 for 4 days.  $60 for 3 days

The registration fee (which covers the cost of field trips, camp t-‐shirt, supplies, and snacks) and the first week’s payment are due at the time of registration.

See the display ad in this week’s issue for all the details.  256-383-1853 or 256-381-6650.

Summer Day Camp is sponsored by Deshler High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes 


Breaking a century-old tradition in the name of health and safety, Jehovah’s Witnesses has moved its annual in-person event to a virtual format for the second time in as many years, canceling nearly 6,000 conventions across the globe

The 2020 event was a first for Jehovah’s Witnesses, who have held public conventions in stadiums, arenas, convention centers, and theaters around the world since 1897.

“Powerful by Faith!” is the theme of the 2021 global event, which will be delivered in more than 500 languages to households throughout the globe over six weekends during July and August 2021.  Since the convention is typically held from Friday through Sunday, the program will be available in six installments corresponding to morning and afternoon sessions. “Friday” morning’s session will be available for streaming or download beginning June 28.

All are invited to attend the event by going to JW.ORG on the web or JW Broadcasting on the free JW Library iOs or Android App.  The program is free and accessible to all.  For more information, please call 1-718-560-5600 or email


The Friends Bookstore, located in the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, is now accepting donations of books and recent magazines.  Bring your donations by the back entrance of the library on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10am-2pm, and you will find a volunteer or library staff member to assist you.  The Friends ask that you limit your donation to 20 items during this time and that donated items be in good condition.  Items that the bookstore cannot accept include: encyclopedias, condensed books, cassette tapes, LP records, catalogues, and magazines older than 2 years old.

Donations are vital to the library and the bookstore, as the profit from the sales made in the Friends Bookstore provide the community with free services, materials, and programs.   For  more information, call 256-764-6564 ext. 126, or visit


Want to list your event in Community  Notes?  Email your information to


YMCA of the Shoals Affordable Before & After School Care includes over 7,000+ square feet of childcare dedicated space – homework help, team building activities, arts & crafts, and much more. Have Fun! Make Friends! Learn New Things! If you need affordable childcare, contact us today at 256-246-9622 or”


Gospel Meeting at Red Rock Church of Christ, 1845 Red Rock Road, Tuscumbia, August 1–3. Sunday morning Bible Classes 10am, Worship 11am, Evening Services, Sunday–Tuesday, 7pm. Speaker: Brian Jarrett from Hartsville Pike Church of Christ, Gallatin, TN.


5th Annual Florence Open at Blackberry Trail – Registration begins June 1.  $150 per entrant. Golf Championship for the Charles Parish Medalist Trophy begins August 6-8 at the Blackberry Trail Golf Course, Florence. Lunch will be provided all three days. 


Eddie Frost Group up to 49

Chris Burns Group 50-64

Alex Sloan Group 65 and over

For more information or to register, call 256-740-8825.


Fall Revival, Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church, 2725 CR 14, Waterloo, August 9-13, 7pm nightly.  Brother Tim Hanback will be bringing the message.  Our Pastor is Jimmy McGee. Everyone come and join us.


1st Annual Shoals CASA Music Fest takes place Saturday, August 28 at Muscle Shoals Amphitheatre, 4-10pm. Featuring Howell Sledge and The Revue, Bryan Muse Band, TOC, Moontree, and More.

Tickets on sale at


Pay it Forward: Donate to Educate.  Shoals Scholar Dollars is an Education Foundation raising money to pay tuition at Northwest Shoals Community College and transfer scholarships to the University of North Alabama for Lauderdale and Colbert County students who meet certain criteria. Donate to Scholar Dollars at any participating financial institution the second Friday of each month.


The NACOLG SENIORx Medication Assistance Program supplies free and low cost medications for anyone in Alabama with a disability or a chronic illness regardless of age that requires daily medication.  Medicare recipients may also be eligible.  

For more information, contact NACOLG SENIORx today.  There is no charge for this service.

1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463)   Paula Pardue   256-389-0529

This program is in partnership with the State of Alabama and Alabama Department of Senior Services


The American Red Cross has kicked off its Annual Fund Drive,  looking for 1,000 supporters to boost the 2021 Annual Fund and provide urgently needed aid to families facing their hardest moments throughout the year.

Your generous support helps AMC to respond immediately whenever and wherever they’re needed, in local communities and nationwide. And monthly support powers the American Red Cross mission, year-round.

When you make a monthly gift to provide steadfast support for families, they’ll also send you a special

Red Cross mini first aid kit in a vintage-inspired tin.  For more information or to donate, call 1-800-435-7669 or visit


Utility Assistance is Available for those in need who qualify. No Appointment Needed.  Just submit the proper paperwork as directed.  The State of Alabama now mandates the use of a Declaration of Household Income form.  This form is to be completed by the person applying for assistance. It will include income information on each household member 18 and older. You may visit one of our offices to request a form or visit for an application.  Call 256-766-4330 for more information.


Let’s Travel Again!!! The Club / Florence Senior Center ”Diamonds in the Rough”, traveling friends, want to invite you to join them. Trips are open to the public!  Proof of Vaccination will be required with final payment. Deposit due now, $75. Checks made payable to Diamond Tours.

Mackinac Island, October 3-9, 2021, $719, deposit now, final payment June 7.

6 nights 5 days, 10 meals, 6 breakfast 4 dinners, Guided tour of Mackinaw City, visit Mackinac Island, Carriage tour, Boat ride through Soo Locks, Sight-seeing Sault Sainte Marie, Mackinaw Crossings, Colonial Michillmackinac, Gaming excitement at Kewadin Sault Casino

Pigeon Forge & Smokey Mountains Show Trip, November 15-19, 2021, $599, $75 deposit due now, final payment September 8.

4 nights lodging, 4 breakfast, 4 dinners, Visit Titanic Museum, 2 morning shows: Smith Morning Variety Show and “Tis the Season”, 4 evening shows: Patty Waszak, Soul of Motown, America’s Hit Parade, Country Tonight, Free time in historic downtown Gatlinburg

2022 Trips. More to be arranged.

Niagara Falls, May 1-7, 2022, $659, Passport Required, $75 deposit now final payment February, 22, 2022

7 days 6 nights

For more pictures, video and information visit: or call Fran @The Club


Register Now with only $75 deposit for motor coach trips.

 2022 Cruise: PML Travel

The Club presents 9 day 8 night vacation, Royal Caribbean’s “Ovation of the Seas”-ALASKA!! June 2-June 10, 2022-Passport Required. Proof of Vaccination.

$2799 per person/inside cabin

$2999 per person/outside cabin

$3499 per person/balcony cabin

Roundtrip Airfare, 1 night hotel, guided tour of Seattle, Washington, bus transportation from Airport, Cruise, Cabin, Shipboard meals, Port charges, Taxes and Transfers in Seattle.

Travel protection insurance $318-$380, $250 deposit now/Final payment February 2, 2022

Sitka, Skagway, Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier, Juneau, AK and Victoria, BC

For more information The Club/Fran 256-760-6642 or


The Florence Senior Center/The Club is serving curbside meals Monday-Friday from 10:30-11:30am.  Please call in to reserve your meal between 8:30-10:30am.  Call 256-760-6668 for a menu.  Participation requirements: Over 60 years old and a tidbit of information. You can register over the phone.


Want to see your Event here? Email your information to


Geezers and Grandkid’s Fishing Dates at Deibert Park:

Bring your friends, family, grandkids, tackle, chairs, snacks, etc., Please sign in at the table before fishing.

We appreciate your continuing to social distance at the parks. For more information call The Club, 256-760-6420

Thursday, September 9, 6:30-11am

Yahoo…School’s Out…Let’s Go Fishing on Tuesday, October 19, 6:30-11am


COVID-19 and Rapid testing is now available at the SHOALS  COMMUNITY  CLINIC –  FREE to the public. The clinic has partnered with the Alabama Department of Public Health to administer these tests. The new COVID Rapid test takes only 15 minutes.   256-760-4713


The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) currently offers industry-led training certifications at Northwest-Shoals Community College.

The MSSC training center at NW-SCC is an industry-led training, assessment, and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s front-line production and material handling workers. MSSC training offers both entry-level and incumbent workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills increasingly required in the technology-intensive jobs of the 21st century.

If you have questions regarding MSSC certification at NW-SCC, please contact Taylor Franks. You may call 256-331-8092, text 256-415-6992, or email at


REAL Rehome Educate Adopt Love offers the following pet preventive care assistance for dogs and cats in Lauderdale, Colbert and Franklin Counties:

• Flea/Tick Control

• HW Testing

• HW Preventative

• Vaccine

Submit your Pet Wellness application from our Facebook page REAL Rehome Educate Adopt Love or website


Alabama Hospice of the Shoals in Tuscumbia is currently seeking Veteran volunteers to serve the following counties: Colbert, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Franklin, Marion, and Winston.  For more information, contact Barbara at 256-314-1204.


Did you know that there are 250 children who can’t live at home in our community each month?  These children can’t live at home because the very people who are supposed to protect and care  for them are not able to do so.  These are the children in foster care.   These are the children that need someone to stand up for them when it feels like no one cares.  These are the children that need a CASA Volunteer.  

Please consider becoming a Volunteer Advocate for local children who need a caring and committed adult to speak up for their best interest.  Call the Shoals CASA office at 256-765-0041 or check out the agency’s website for more information 


Want to see your Event here? Email your information to


City of Florence  – Recycling Program:

Paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and jugs only (#1 & #2), aluminum cans, and steel cans are all recyclable. Residential curbside cart collection is provided within City of Florence limits. The Florence Recycle Center drop-off is available to everyone, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Cardboard Boxes

Place large, broken-down cardboard boxes 3 feet away from your recycle and garbage carts. Remove all contents from each box before recycling as Styrofoam and plastic film are NOT recyclable.


Old TV’s are not collected with curbside trash. They can be dropped off at two locations:

–Florence Recycle Center:  1200 Terrace Street, Florence

–Florence Landfill:  29485 County Road 14, Florence

Wrapping Paper

All paper is recyclable if it will tear.  We encourage you to reuse ribbons and bows, but they are not recyclable. 


Want a job? Want a better job? Get your GED! Free GED Prep classes are located near you. The program is open entry with new students starting classes weekly. For more information, call the Northwest-Shoals Community College Adult Education Program at 256-331-5440 or 256-331-5438.


Hospice Volunteers Needed – Veterans, Students, Retirees, everyone with an hour a week to share with someone in your community.  Specific needs:  Male veteran to visit WWII vet, Florence area.  Hairdresser/Barber in all areas.   256-269-2100   Comfort Care Hospice, Sheffield.


Do you have a family member or a friend with a disability?

If so, sign up for our Disability Advocacy Network email list to show your support for a family member or friend through The Arc’s national movement.  

By signing up you will receive reliable updates about state and federal legislative decisions so you can take action as an informed advocate.

Your elected officials will listen to you on issues that are important to the I/DD community by making a call or sending an email!  Go to  to subscribe!

Want to see your Event here? Email your information to

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Travis Burnett

Travis Burnett

A pioneer in the flag football community, Travis helped co-found the Flag Football World Championship Tour, FlagSpin and USA Flag. Featuring 15+ years of content creation for the sport of flag football, creating and managing the largest flag football tournaments on the planet, coaching experience at the youth and adult level as well as an active player with National and World Championship level experience.

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